Oportunidade de Trabalho!
Visitem este site http://www.libertas.eu/get-involved/interns e encontrarão toda a informação para trabalharem em Bruxelas durante 5 meses.
A entrega do currículo é até dia 25 de Janeiro, ou seja, o próximo domingo!
Boa sorte a todos os que concorrerem!
2 Comentários:
- “The Irish government and the powerful elite in Brussels are showing utter contempt for the democratic decision of the Irish people in rejecting the Lisbon Treaty. Not one sentence will change in a “new version”. Some non-legally binding texts will be added in an attempt to fool the people. They tried this with the French, they tried with the Dutch, they are trying with the Irish. It’s time to put a stop to this bullying."
- "Mr. Ganley stated that Europeans have reached a crossroads: “If people want a strong and healthy Europe that is democratic and answerable to them, they should vote for a Libertas candidate. If they do not want Europe to succeed or if they are happy with the current undemocratic practises, then they should vote for an incumbent party. For those who weren’t given a vote on the Lisbon Treaty, this will be their referendum”.
by chairman Declan Ganley
Isto é um partido político e tem "chairman"?
essa parte do tratado estou plenamente de acordo...
Acho que é escandoloso o que se está a fazer com o "Nao" irlandês...
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