BEPA - Os conselheiros de Barroso
Bureau of European Policy Advisers
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Post colocado por: Hugo Mendes
Etiquetas: BEPA, Durão Barroso
A Europa passa por aqui. A actualidade da União Europeia e assuntos relacionados com a vida de quem estuda ou estudou a Europa.
Etiquetas: BEPA, Durão Barroso
Etiquetas: Checa, democracia, Parlamento Europeu, Presidência República Checa
The legal framework governing the privatisation of GALP Energia and the Articles of Association provide for special rights for the State in the company, including:
The Commission considers that these special powers constitute an unjustified restriction on the free movement of capital (Article 56) and the right of establishment (Article 43), in violation of EC Treaty rules, in so far as they hinder both direct investment and portfolio investment.
In June 2007, the Commission invited Portugal to abandon the special rights held by the State in GALP (IP/07/908). The Commission considers Portugal's arguments in defence of the special rights unsatisfactory in the light of the relevant European Court of Justice case law.
Proportionality concerns
Portugal argued that the special rights are justified on two grounds: first, because the services provided by GALP are of general economic interest (as defined in Article 86 of the EC Treaty); and secondly for public security and public interest reasons (security of energy supply).
Based on ECJ jurisprudence, the Commission concluded that the restrictions do not meet the necessity, suitability and proportionality criteria that might justify restrictions to the free movement of capital. In the Commission's opinion, the special rights of the Portuguese State in the company go beyond what is necessary to meet their intended objectives.
The latest information on infringement proceedings concerning all Member States can be found at:
Etiquetas: RAPID, TV digital
Neste novo programa conversa-se sobre História, Geografia, Arte, Industrias Culturais, Música, Religião, Viagens e Literatura. Reflecte-se, com tempo, os grandes temas da cultura. Ouve-se música. Fazem-se entrevistas. Aqui no Esferas dissecamos a actualidade a partir do que lemos, vemos e ouvimos.
Etiquetas: aprender europa, cultura, Europa Viva, radio, viagens
Em directo, hoje 2ª feira!
Etiquetas: alterações climáticas, Energia
All participants will be required to obtain a J-1 visa prior to traveling to the United States. The U.S. Department of State will issue the relevant paperwork, and the Fulbright Commission will arrange the visa interview.
Financial Provisions
Those selected as participants in the 2009 Summer Institutes will be provided with the following:·
Mais informações:
Obrigada Daniel Paiva!
Arrisquem!Boa Sorte aos que concorrem!
Etiquetas: bolsa, EUA, Fulbright Comission;
Pretendemos também que o Espaço Europa seja um local de encontro e debate sobre temas europeus (programação a definir)
A abertura do espaço terá lugar a 6 de Fevereiro de 2009 às 12H00 no edifício Jean Monnet, largo Jean Monnet - Estação Metro Avenida
Há Porto de Honra... Croquete não está garantido.
Etiquetas: Espaço Europa
Etiquetas: Emprego
Etiquetas: estágios
Etiquetas: Ano Europeu 2009